Dent… but wait a second, Greenbelt too!

Happy weekends are becoming fairly common experiences at the moment – last weekend a big group went up to Dent, in North Yorkshire, for a relaxing weekend of swimming, eating, chatting, meditating, walking, waterfalls… the good things in life! My favourite in this set is the last one, of our friend John climbing back down a waterfall he’d scaled.

But wait a second – I’ve just realised how long it’s been since I posted!  Here are some photos from Greenbelt, a big lovely arts festival held on Cheltenham Race Course.  The big musical highlight was 72 year old Mavis Staples – “No I won’t turn around!” – but Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies were an unexpected surprise as well, I love it when a band makes you smile just because they’re smiling so much.In peace.


All of todays photographs are from the city of Quetzaltenango (or Xela, from it’s original indigenous name of Xelajú), in Guatemala. A beautiful city.

“A tranquil city of good laws, fine architecture, and clean streets is like a classroom of obedient dullards,or a field of gelded bulls -whereas a city of anarchy is a city of promise”

– Mark Helprin  –

In peace

While I’m not hoping to manage to put a photo up everyday from now on, I’m going to do my best to start updating this blog more regularly and share a broader range of photos, both new and old.  I’m still in the process of going through all the shots I took in Central America, and while my equipment (especially my lens) took a hammering while I was away there are still a few I’d like to share with you all. The first one today is from Good Friday in San Pedro La Laguna, showing the beautiful shawls the women wore.  The second shot is from the market in Xela, or Quetzalatenango, a pretty typical ‘day-to-day’ sort of scene as people shop and chat and kids play.  The third image isn’t from Guatemala but from our back garden last night – a bit of time spent around a whole bunch of insects munching up pollen in the soft evening light provided some good opportunities for macro shots!

(Again, remember you can always enlarge a shot by clicking on it!)

In peace.